- Adventure 1
- BBC Radio 1
- BBC Radio 3 Essay 1
- BBC Radio Scotland 3
- Breast Cancer 1
- Breast Cancer Awareness 1
- Cancer Recovery 1
- Charity 1
- Christmas 1
- Darkness 1
- Diversity 1
- Glasgow Life 1
- Highlands 4
- History 1
- Inclusivity 1
- Kayaking 1
- Landscape 1
- Life by Loch Ness 4
- Masterclass 1
- Nativity 1
- Out of Doors 2
- Passion 1
- Podcasting 1
- RNLI 1
- Radio Production 1
- Scotland 5
- Scottish Clearances 1
- Scottish history 1
- Seasons 1
- Spring 1
- Storytelling 4
- Ullapool 1
- Volunteer 1
- Wilderness 1
- mastectomy 1
After a cracking narrative? Pennie thinks the Christmas Story offers up the perfect masterclass!
At first glance, it might seem like a simple religious narrative, but dig a little deeper, and you'll see that the Christmas Story offers up a masterclass in powerful storytelling. So, festive spirit in hand, Pen has been having a rummage around in the guts of the story, taking a bit of time to appreciate what we can learn from the Christmas Story which might supercharge our own storytelling skills be it in business, personal life or any other creative endeavour.
After all, great story telling isn’t just for Christmas…
Everywhere and Nowhere - why are single breasted women hidden from sight?
On the most part, as a middleclass, middle-aged, educated white woman, when it comes to the media and pop culture, I’m really, you’d have thought I’d bump into me every day, but that’s just the point, I don’t. Until this moment I honestly didn’t understand the true value of being able to see yourself reflected back at you, the power of stumbling across your own image and feeling that warm wash of validation...I didn’t understand how “other” you feel when images like yourself simply don’t exist, until they do.
Spring in the Great Glen
For me the first signs of spring is the joy of being woken by sunlight pouring itself over the hill opposite above Aldourie Castle and bouncing back up off the loch. I will never grow tired of that Spring sun bursting into the sky and my consciousness each morning. So much better than the sound of the alarm. I understand the desire, need, for seedlings to start to unfurl so they can bask in that light and warmth, it makes me want to unfurl each day too…
Wildroots - time to re-wild your soul!
Packs abandoned by the side of the stony track, a soft south westerly raising the surface of Loch Ossian into wrinkles, we come to circle a great slab of grey granite. With our senses newly sharpened, shaped and tuned to this landscape, we’re each of us drawn to the curious forest of lichen covering the stone…